Small Goods
Smallgoods typically means "processed meats." However, for Gamekeepers, it means a team of highly skilled butchers working with authentic ingredients, brining, curing, triple smoking, and dry-aging, to bring you a wide range of fresh, supernormal, flavour-packed goodies for you to slice and devour at home.
We are proud of our cured and smoked products for a good reason. Check out our Award Winning hams, Kaiser Fleish, bacon, duck and chicken terrines, and our cured meats: wagyu bresaola, capicola, guanciale, and pancetta.
Gamekeepers Smokehouse is truly one of a kind, our imported German custom-built smokehouse is from one of the oldest families in the business. To understand the uniqueness, you have to appreciate the smell as you enter the room is a sweet, salty, smokey, hickey aroma, almost alluring, drawing you in.
To the discerning eye, you see the consistency of colour across all the smoked products, rows of a light dusty yellow, come terracotta hue, which is a bi-product of the Victorian Mountain Ash wood chips used in the process of smoking.